On sale! -50% Talla y Modelado Pasta para Moldear en Silicona Siligum - Gédéo 300gr. PEBEO 766329 €24.79 €49.59 Pasta para Moldear en Silicona Siligum - Gédéo 300gr. Add to basket
-25% Talla y Modelado Set de Iniciacion Resina Gedeo - Pebeo PEBEO 766156 €16.55 €22.07 Set de Iniciacion Resina Gedeo - Pebeo Add to basket
-25% Talla y Modelado Resina Esmalte 6x150ml. Gedeo Pebeo. PEBEO 766170 €17.60 €23.47 Resina Esmalte 6x150ml. Gedeo Pebeo. Add to basket
-25% Talla y Modelado Set para Aplicacion de Resina Gedeo Pebeo. PEBEO 766800 €8.89 €11.86 Set para Aplicacion de Resina Gedeo Pebeo. Add to basket
-10% Talla y Modelado Maimeri Mouldable Plasticine MAIMERI PLASTILINA_MAIMERI Formato : 500gr. 1000gr. €7.41 €8.23 Add to basket
-20% Talla y Modelado Arcillas DAS Blanco 1Kg. DAS 387500 €3.90 €4.88 Air-drying modelling clay DAS 1Kg in terracotta colour.Air-drying modelling clay that hardens in 24h/cm and does not require firing. Homogeneous and very fine texture for easy smoothing. It can be used on different supports such as wood or cardboard.It can be decorated with water-based paints, acrylic or varnish. The objects made with this paste are solid... Add to basket
-20% Talla y Modelado Pasta DAS MODELAR TERRACOTA 1Kg. DAS 387600 €3.90 €4.88 Air-drying modelling clay DAS 1Kg in terracotta colour.Air-drying modelling clay that hardens in 24h/cm and does not require firing. Homogeneous and very fine texture for easy smoothing. It can be used on different supports such as wood or cardboard.It can be decorated with water-based paints, acrylic or varnish. The objects made with this paste are solid... Add to basket
-20% VARNISHES FOR ACRYLICS Ceramic Effect Gloss Varnish DAS 33ml. DAS F501200 €2.98 €3.72 Ceramic Varnish DAS. Glossy effect 33 ml. Final result with a high glossy shine Add to basket
-25% Talla y Modelado Resina Esmalte 6x150ml. Gedeo Pebeo. PEBEO 766171 €31.30 €41.74 Resina Esmalte 6x150ml. Gedeo Pebeo. Add to basket
Talla y Modelado Metal Sculptor's Compass 20cm (8"") 4710079 €4.01 Metal compass for sculptors . Add to basket