-35% PINTURA ACUARELA Watercolor DANIEL SMITH in Tube ACUARELA_DANIEL_SMITH_TUBO Formato : Tubo 5ml. Tubo 15ml. €11.16 €17.17 Daniel Smith Extra Fine watercolour is made from the best selected pigments. During the manufacturing process, various tests are carried out to check the lightfastness and fastness of the pigments. DANIEL SMITH Its intense and brilliant colours are incomparable, using the best mineral and synthetic pigments for the elaboration of the colour. Add to basket
-25% ERASERS Portagoma 2,3mm. Redondo Tombow Mono Zero Recargable Blanco/Azul/Negro EH-KUR-B €2.67 €3.55 Portagoma 2,3mm. Redondo Tombow Mono Zero Recargable Blanco/Azul/Negro Add to basket
On sale! -25% TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES FOR OIL PAINTING SENNELIER Green For Oil Ecological Cleaner GREEN_FOR_OIL_LIMPIADOR Formato : 100ml. 250ml. €8.81 €11.75 A range offering properties equivalent to conventional additives! Conventional organic solvents are very effective, but today they raise some questions related to their volatility or even their petroleum origin. For this reason, Sennelier has created the new range of responsible solvents GREEN FOR OIL. Discover Sennelier's powerful Green For Oil... Add to basket
-30% PAPER FOR DRAWING Pack 10 Hojas A3 Canson Mi-Teintes Tonos Frios C31032S084 €3.15 €4.50 Add to basket
-15% WATERCOLOUR BRUSHES TINTORETTO Brush REF. 874 Synthetic AMBAR Flat TINTORETTO_874 Número : 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 €2.47 €2.90 Tintoretto Brush Amber Series. Amber fibre is a synthetic fibre that is resistant to wear and elastic. This makes it a durable and reliable brush.The peculiar shapes that make up this line are designed with the aim of making it easy for the hobbyist to make quick pictorial strokes of various shapes and sizes with any colour, on any support. The classic... Add to basket
WATERCOLOUR BRUSHES TINTORETTO Watercolor Brush Synthetic Fiber Kazan Squirrel 1407 Número : 5/0 3/0 2/0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 €8.80 TINTORETTO Watercolour Brush Synthetic Fibre Kazan Squirrel Ref. 1407. Traditional round brush, Kazan squirrel fibre. Plastic ferrule. Short black wooden handle varnished "a buratto", water resistant. Ideal for watercolour, ink and other fluid techniques, due to its discharge and resilience. Add to basket
-25% SOFT PASTELS Pastel Sennelier PASTEL_SENNELIER €2.36 €3.14 It took Sennelier more than three years (1904 to 1907) to formulate the range of soft pastels "à l'écu" and give birth to one of the widest ranges of pastels. Throughout the century, evolutions were made to this palette of shades, but the essence of its conception remained the same. Add to basket
-25% WATERCOLOUR BRUSHES HAKE HOLBEIN Deer Hair Karabake 50516 Número : 10 15 20 €68.19 €90.92 Hake Holbein Deer Hair Stiffener. Karabake. It is a medium hardness brush very useful for backgrounds and large pigmented strokes, has good absorption and offers good runs in stain. By its nature can be used in techniques not only watercolor and watercolor, also in mixed media and oil, being a very versatile hake. Add to basket
-25% WATERCOLOUR PAPER Bloc Multitécnicas Paint On ClaireFontaine 250gr. Negro PAINTON_NEGRO Formato : A5 A4 A3 A2 €5.65 €7.53 Add to basket