MIX B COSMOTOP DE DA VINCI is made for watercolour techniques with the best synthetic fibres and natural hairs, offering great performance and results in your work, at a reduced cost compared to other natural hair brushes. The Da Vinci brush is ideal for very diluted paint due to its homogeneous and prolonged discharge, with a brush tip that remains unchanged after continuous use. Vinci
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DA VINCI MIX B Top Point Brush Series 5535
DA VINCI Mix B Top Point brush. Round. Series 5535. Made with a combination of Kolinsky Red Sable, Russian Blue Squirrel and Russian Fitch (Black Sable), together with small quantities of mixed synthetic hair, make a perfect brush with extraordinary elasticity and great absorption capacity. You can achieve effects and results especially with watercolour and ink techniques, as it has an amazing absorption and softness. Da